NameMargaretha Bader
Birth14 Mar 1816, Hungary
Death20 Dec 1903, Obit. 12/25 Middleton Times-Herald
BurialSt. Peter's Church, Ashton, WI
DeathApr 1860, Springfield, WI
OccupationFarmer; 1860 Census-Value Real Estate $2000; personal property $600
Notes for Margaretha Bader
Obit: Mrs. Margaret Ziegler, Aged 88 years, died at the home ofher daughter, Mrs. Frederick Radermacher, of Ashton...She wasmarried twice, her first marriage being to Mr. Wagner, who diedmany years ago, and from this union only two children areliving. John, of Ellsworth, Minnesota, and Mrs. FrederickRadermacher...From the second union with John Ziegler, nochildren were born, Mr. Ziegler dying about 15 years ago...Mrs.Ziegler was one of the first and one of the oldest settlers ofSpringfield.